COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Policy

Thackeray COVID-19 Policy
Effective Date: Last Updated:

Thackeray Mines & Minerals Inc. (the “Corporation” or “Thackeray”) prioritizes health and safety across all its workplaces, which include the Corporation’s head office and its mineral project sites in Canada and Venezuela. The health, safety, and well-being of the Corporation’s directors, officers, employees, and consultants (each individually referred to as a “Corporate Person” and collectively as “Corporate Personnel”) remain the Corporation’s highest priority.

To safeguard the well-being of Corporate Personnel and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the Corporation has implemented this COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Policy (the “Policy”). This Policy outlines measures and rules for Corporate Personnel working at the Corporation’s head office or any of its project sites, ensuring a safe working environment and prioritizing the health of all involved parties.

This Policy is designed to provide guidance, not to induce fear or panic. It underscores the Corporation’s commitment to responsible operations while promoting health and safety during ongoing business activities. Corporate Personnel must adhere to the procedures outlined herein to minimize the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

Additionally, the Corporation recognizes its social responsibility and has taken steps to protect community stakeholders, including Indigenous communities near its mineral projects in Canada and Venezuela.


This Policy applies to all Corporate Personnel. Additionally, all service providers or external parties accessing the Corporation’s head office or any of its mineral projects are required to comply with the terms of this Policy.

COVID-19 Overview

COVID-19, identified as the 2019 novel coronavirus, is a serious health threat that causes respiratory infection and is a reportable disease in Canada. For more information about COVID-19, visit Canada's Public Health Website.

Everyday Precautions for Corporate Personnel

Corporate Personnel must follow these daily precautions, whether at the head office or a project site, to reduce exposure to COVID-19 and protect their health:

  • Stay Home if Unwell – If you are experiencing any symptoms, even mild ones, stay home and isolate yourself from others.
  • Hand Hygiene – Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 30 seconds regularly. If handwashing is not possible, use an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Physical Distancing – Maintain a distance of at least 2 meters (6 feet) from others whenever possible.
  • Cough and Sneeze Etiquette – Cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
  • Avoid Face Touching – Refrain from touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Avoid Handshakes – Do not engage in physical greetings like handshakes.
  • Avoid Sick Individuals – Steer clear of anyone who is unwell, even if their symptoms are mild.
  • Sanitize Frequently – Regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces.

Consistently practising these measures will significantly reduce the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

If a Corporate Person Tests Positive for COVID-19

If a Corporate Person receives a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, they must:

  1. Notify Management Immediately – Inform their supervisor or manager and leave the workplace or move to a designated isolation area at the project site.
  2. Provide Medical Documentation – Submit confirmation of the COVID-19 diagnosis from a medical provider.
  3. Obtain Medical Clearance – Before returning to work, provide evidence of full medical clearance.

If a Corporate Person has been in contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, they must inform their manager or supervisor and isolate at home for 14 days, monitoring for symptoms and reporting them to the local health authority if necessary

Travel and Corporate Events

Corporate travel is restricted, and Corporate events are canceled until further notice. Employees are encouraged to adhere to Canadian government guidelines on physical distancing and avoid non-essential gatherings outside of work.

Indigenous Communities

The Corporation acknowledges the heightened risks faced by Indigenous communities and their vulnerabilities due to existing health disparities. Corporate Personnel must:

  • Avoid direct contact with Indigenous community members unless absolutely necessary.
  • Conduct all meetings with Indigenous stakeholders virtually to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Specific Risk Mitigation Measures

Head Office Measures
  • Visitor Screening – External parties must undergo temperature checks and symptom screening before entry. Visitors with a temperature of 37.5°C or above or any COVID-19 symptoms will be denied access.
  • Capacity Limits – No more than five Corporate Personnel may be present in the head office at any given time.
  • Sanitization – Workstations and common areas must be regularly sanitized.

As of July 12, 2022, the wearing of face masks is not mandatory.

Project Site Measures

Each mineral project will have a designated COVID-19 Health & Safety Leader responsible for implementing the following:

  • Pre-Screening – All visitors and Corporate Personnel must complete a COVID-19 Questionnaire and undergo temperature checks before entry where heightened COVID levels have been reported.
  • Isolation Protocols – Anyone displaying symptoms or answering "YES" to screening questions must self-isolate for 14 days.
  • Worksite Hygiene – Project sites must be regularly sanitized, and hygiene protocols strictly followed.

Designated COVID-19 Health & Safety Leaders

For on-site COVID-related matters please contact the appropriate leader as listed below:

  • Weyburn – Ms. Sandie Vincent
  • Malartic – Mr. Richard Haden
  • Meadowbank – Mr. Pierrot Lex Nicolas
  • Meliadine – Dr. Lizbeth Padmore
  • Catcha Lake – Mr. Nicolas Paige
  • Copperfields – Dr. Vernon Bourke
  • Quartz Mountain – Mrs. Lorraine Wheatley
  • El Callao – Mr. Alfonso Aquino
  • Piacoa – Mr. Guillermo Torres

Designated COVID-19 Health & Safety Leaders are to report directly to the Chief Operating Officer, Mr John Doe.

Acknowledgment and Compliance

Corporate Personnel and external parties must read, understand, and comply with this Policy. By accessing the Corporation’s workplaces or project sites, individuals agree to abide by the measures outlined herein.

This Policy ensures the safety and well-being of all stakeholders while promoting responsible operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.